The word that is used instead of a noun is called a pronoun. In other words, a Pronoun is a word that comes for a noun. Check out: Pronoun Types in Hindi, Definition and Examples
Pronoun Definition: संज्ञा के स्थान पर आने वाले शब्द को Pronoun कहते हैं। Pronoun in Hindi is सर्वनाम.
Table of Contents
- Pronoun Examples
- Pronoun Video Explanation
- Pronoun Types in Hindi
- 1.Personal Pronouns
- Personal Pronoun Examples
- 2.Reflexive Pronouns
- Reflexive Pronoun Examples:
- Some Words of Reflexive Pronouns
- 3.Indefinite Pronouns
- Some Words of Indefinite Pronouns
- Indefinite Pronouns Examples:
- List of Pronouns
- 4.Demonstrative Pronouns
- Demonstrative Pronoun Examples:
- Some Words of Demonstrative Pronouns
- 5. Emphatic Pronouns
- Emphatic Pronoun Examples:
- 6. Relative Pronouns
- Relative Pronouns Examples:
- Some Words of Relative Pronouns
- 7. Interrogative Pronouns
- Interrogative Pronouns Examples
- Some Words of Interrogative Pronouns
- 8. Distributive Pronouns
- Distributive Pronoun Examples:
- Some Words of Distributive Pronouns
- 9.Exclamatory Pronouns
- Exclamatory Pronoun Examples
- 10. Reciprocal Pronouns
- Reciprocal Pronoun Examples:
Pronoun Examples
Ram is a good boy
He is a good boy
The toy is very costly
It is very costly
Ram and Shyam are friends
They are friends
ऊपर के वाक्यों में He, It and They Pronouns हैं जो क्रमशः Ram,The toy and Ram and Shyam के लिए आए हैं।
Pronoun Video Explanation
Pronoun Types in Hindi
- Personal Pronoun (व्यक्तिवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Reflexive Pronoun (निजवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Indefinite Pronoun (अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Demonstrative Pronoun (संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Emphatic Pronoun (बलदायक सर्वनाम)
- Relative Pronoun (सम्बन्धवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Interrogative Pronoun (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Distributive Pronoun (वितरणवाचक सर्वनाम)
- Exclamatory Pronoun (विस्मादिबोधक सर्वनाम)
- Reciprocal Pronoun (परस्परबोधक सर्वनाम)
1.Personal Pronouns
जो सर्वनाम पुरुष (first person, second person and third person के लिए प्रयोग होता है उसे हम personal pronoun कहते हैं।
The pronoun that is used for first person, second person and third person is called Personal Pronoun.
Personal Pronoun Examples
I, We, you, he, she, it, name, they, me, your, mine, his etc
Rule No 1 : अगर किसी भी वाक्य में तीन Subject हो तो उसका Personal Pronoun का क्रम second ,third and first Person होता है।
If there are three Subjects in any sentence, then the order of its Personal Pronoun is second, third and first person.
You, he and I are dancing on the stage.
You, she and I will be enjoying at the fair.
Rule No 2 : अगर किसी भी वाक्य में तीन Personal Pronoun हो और वाक्य के अर्थ में पाप,दोष या भूल का भाव हो तो उसका क्रम first ,second and third person होता है।
If there are three Personal Pronouns in any sentence and give the sense of sin, fault or mistake in the meaning of the sentence, then its order is first, second and third person.
I, you and Ram will kill a bird.
I, you and Sima have not completed the homework.
I, you and he have stolen some chocolates.
Rule No 3 : अगर किसी भी वाक्य में अलग अलग प्रकार के personal pronoun एक साथ आये और वे सब के सब plural हो तो उसका क्रम third ,second and first होता है।
If different types of personal pronouns come together in any sentence and all of them are plural, then their personal order will be third, second and first.
They, you and we are finding a stationary shop.
They, you and We have scored good marks on the test.
2.Reflexive Pronouns
जब subject द्वारा किया गया कार्य का प्रभाव subject पर पड़ता है तो उसे हम Reflexive Pronoun है।
The effect of work done by the subject falls on the subject itself is called Reflextive Pronoun.
Note: Reflexive Pronoun के शब्दों में हमेशा self या selves लगा रहता है।
Reflexive Pronoun Examples:
The old man hanged himself.
I saved myself from the kindlessWinter.
He beat himself.
Some Words of Reflexive Pronouns
Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves etc
3.Indefinite Pronouns
वैसा pronoun जो अज्ञात/ अनिश्चित व्यक्ति या वस्तु के बारे में बतलाता हो तो हम उसे indefinite pronoun कहते हैं।
The pronoun that talks about the unknown or indefinite person or thing is called Indefinite Pronoun.
Some Words of Indefinite Pronouns
One, someone, none, somebody, everybody, anyone, nobody, all, some, many, several etc.
Indefinite Pronouns Examples:
One must do one’s duty.
None of the teachers will be absent tomorrow.
Some are born poor.
List of Pronouns
Nominative Case | Possessive Adjective | Possessive Pronoun | Objective Case |
I | My | Mine | Me |
We | Our | Ours | Us |
You | Your | Yours | You |
He | His | – | Him |
She | Her | Hers | Her |
It | Its | – | It |
Name | Name’s | – | Name |
They | Their | Theirs | Them |
Who | Whose | – | Whom |
4.Demonstrative Pronouns
वैसे pronoun जो noun को संकेत या इशारे में दर्शाते हैं उसे हम demonstrative pronoun कहते हैं।
The pronoun that denotes gesture or hints is called demonstrative pronoun.
Demonstrative Pronoun Examples:
This is a cow.
That is a hen.
These are mango trees.
Those are your copies.
Some Words of Demonstrative Pronouns
This, that, these, those, such etc.
5. Emphatic Pronouns
वैसे pronoun जिनका प्रयोग किसी बात पर बल देने के लिए किया जाता है emphatic pronoun कहलाते हैं।
Pronoun that is used to emphasize something is called emphatic pronouns.
Emphatic Pronoun Examples:
He himself wrote a book.
They themselves met the Prime Minister.
You yourself can do this work.
6. Relative Pronouns
वैसे pronoun जो noun के बदले में आकर दो वाक्यों के बीच में सम्बन्ध स्थापित करते हैं उन्हें हम Relative Pronoun कहते हैं।
The pronoun that comes instead of a noun to build the relation between two sentences is called Relative Pronoun.
Relative Pronouns Examples:
The teacher who taught me is a government servant.
This is the boy that fights with my brother.
The room in which he runs coaching is very spacious.
Some Words of Relative Pronouns
who, whose, whom, that, what, which etc
7. Interrogative Pronouns
वैसे pronoun जो question पूछने के लिए प्रयोग किये जाते हैं। उसे हम interrogative pronoun कहते हैं।
A pronoun that is used to ask the question is called Interrogative Pronouns.
Interrogative Pronouns Examples
Who is the Prime Minister of our country?
What is this?
Whose pen is this?
Some Words of Interrogative Pronouns
Who, whose, whom, which, what etc
8. Distributive Pronouns
वैसे pronoun जो noun के बदले में आकर उसे अलग- अलग दर्शाते हैं distributive pronoun कहलाते हैं।
A pronoun that comes instead of a noun to represent it individually is called a distributive pronoun.
Distributive Pronoun Examples:
Both of the teachers are good.
Neither of the boys is handsome.
None should avoid the poor.
Some Words of Distributive Pronouns
Each, either, neither, everyone, none, both, every, anyone, everybody, everything etc.
9.Exclamatory Pronouns
जिस pronoun से आश्चर्य का बोध हो उसे exclamatory pronoun कहा जाता है।
A pronoun that shows the surprise is called Exclamatory pronoun.
Exclamatory Pronoun Examples
What! you don’t know my dear.
What! I don’t believe that.
What! Didn’t you know anything about this matter?
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10. Reciprocal Pronouns
वैसे Pronoun जो पारस्परिक सम्बन्ध स्थापित करते हैं Reciprocal Pronoun कहलाते हैं।
A pronoun that establishes a mutual relation is called a reciprocal pronoun.
Reciprocal Pronoun Examples:
We share lunch with each other.
The students helped one another in doing homework.
He and she quarrelled with each other.
Some Words of Reciprocal Pronoun
Each- other, one another etc
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