(PDF) Adjective Meaning in Hindi , Types and Examples l विशेषण एवम् इसके प्रकार

Adjective Meaning in Hindi – विशेषण वैसे शब्द जो Noun तथा Pronoun दोनों की विशेषता बतलाते हैं, adjective कहलाते हैंl दूसरे शब्दों में कहे तो Adjective, Noun या Pronoun का गुण या दोष को बतलाता है।  

An adjective is a type of Parts of Speech. It basically qualifies as a noun or a pronoun.


He is a good boy.

Maya is a beautiful girl.

She is young and beautiful.

Here, good, beautiful, young and beautiful are examples of adjectives in the above sentences.

Adjective MCQ Online Test


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Flamingo Poetry Online Test

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Flamingo Poetry Online Test

#1. My father likes this house.

#2. Narendra Modi has………………….. chance of being elected

#3. A student broke this chair.In the given sentence, this is a ……………………

#4. …………………. People think that he will become an IAS officer one day.

#5. There were trees on…………………………….. side of the road.

#6. Coffee is not good. Good is a…………….

#7. There is …………………………………… oil in the tin.

#8. My teacher knows………………… Bengali and less Hindi.

#9. Pankaj has ……………………….. friends in Delhi.

#10. There are …………………… pens on the table.

#11. Which is your pen? In the above sentence, your is a………………

#12. My wife put …………………….. salt in egg curry.

#13. My father has bought two copies, and ……………… copy is colourful.

#14. There is not………………………….. water.

#15. My boss does not want ………………….. coffee.


Kinds of Adjective

1.Proper Adjective (वक्तिवाचक विशेषण)

  2.Possesive adjective: संबंधवाचक विशेषण

3. Distributive Adjective (विभागसूचक विशेषण)

4.Demonstrative Adjective: (संकेतवाचक विशेषण)

5.Qualitative adjective: (गुणवाचक विशेषण)

6.Quantative adjective: (मात्रावाचक विशेषण)

7.Interrogative adjective:(प्रश्नवाचक  विशेषण)

8.Exclamatory adjective: (विष्मयादिबोधक विशेषण)

9.Numeral adjective: (संख्यावाचक विशेषण )

Video Credit: Dear Sir Youtube Channel

Adjective Definition and Examples

1.Proper Adjective (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)

जिस adjective का निर्माण Proper Noun से होता है उसे Proper Adjective कहा जाता है।

Note: Proper adjective का पहला अक्षर हमेशा capital होता है।

इसके पहले article का प्रयोग अवश्य होगा।

Difference Between Proper Noun and Proper Adjective

Proper NounProper Adjective
Africa African
Adjective Chart


Note: Proper Adjective का पहला अक्षर हमेशा capital होता है। इसके पहले article का प्रयोग हमेशा होगा।

2.Possesive Adjective: संबंधवाचक विशेषण

वैसे adjectives जो Noun या pronoun के साथ संबंध व्यक्त करता हो उन्हें हम Possessive Adjective कहते हैं।


That is your house.

Those are their pens.

She is her sister.

Some possessive adjective words:

My,our,your,his,her,its,their etc

3. Distributive Adjective (विभागसूचक विशेषण)

वैसे adjective जो Noun के साथ रहकर उन्हें अलग अलग प्रदर्शित करते हैं, उन्हें distributive adjective कहा जाता है।


Neither girl is beautiful.

Each woman was standing outside the gate.

Every man is hard working.

Some words:

Each, every, either, neither, everybody, anyone, both etc.

4.Demonstrative Adjective: (संकेतवाचक विशेषण)

वैसे adjectives जो Noun के साथ रहकर उसे प्रदर्शित करता हो, Demonstrative adjective कहलाते हैं।

Some Words of Demonstrative Adjective

This, that, these, those, such, certain, some, any, other, another etc

There are two kinds of demonstrative adjectives

a.Definite Demonstrative Adjectives

जो adjective ,definite noun को प्रदर्शित करते हैं उसे हम definite demonstrative adjectives कहते हैं।


This fan is red.

These birds are fearless.

That copy is of a classmate.

b.Indefinite Demonstrative Adjectives

जो adjective, indefinite noun को प्रदर्शित करते हैं उसे हम indefinite demonstrative adjectives कहते हैं।

Some Mr Sharma had come to meet you.

The doctor met a certain woman this evening.

5.Adjective of Quality: (गुणवाचक विशेषण)

जिस adjective से रंग-रूप, आकार-प्रकार, गुण-दोष आदि का भाव का बोध हो उसे हम qualitative adjective कहते हैं।


My teacher is a tall man.

Kamla is a bad girl.

He lives in an old house.

6.Adjective of Quantity (मात्रावाचक विशेषण)

ऐसे adjective जो मात्रा या परिमाण का बोध करता है उसे हम quantative adjective कहते हैं।


My friend has lost all his pocket money.

There is a little water in the bottle.

There is much curd on the plate.

Some Words:

Much, a lot of, a little of, a good deal of, a great deal of, a large amount of, a large quantity of etc.

7.Interrogative adjective: (प्रश्नवाचक  विशेषण)

जिस adjective का प्रयोग प्रश्न पूछने के लिए किया जाता है उसे हम interrogative adjective कहते हैं।


Which copy is yours?

Whose laptop is this?

What book does he prefer to read?

8.Exclamatory adjective:(विष्मयादिबोधक विशेषण)

What का प्रयोग जब हम आश्चर्य का भाव व्यक्त करने के लिए करते हैं तो उसे हम exclamatory adjective कहते हैं।


What an ugly woman!

What a big bungalow it is!

What an intelligent boy you are!

9.Numeral adjective: (संख्यावाचक विशेषण)

जिस adjective से संख्या का बोध होता है उसे हम Numeral adjective कहते हैं।

There are two types of numeral adjective.

1. Cardinal Number


One, two, three………………..

2. Ordinal adjective


First, second, third, fourth……………….

Adjectives MCQs Video Lecture

Video Credit: Solution with Rishabh Youtube Channel

Adjectives MCQ for Competitive Exams

1.There is …………………………………… oil in the tin.

a.  Some

b.   Many

c.   A little

d.  Both A and C

2. There is not………………………….. water.

a.  Much

b.   Many

c.   Several

d.  NOT

3…………………. People think that he will become an IAS officer one day.

a.  A few

b.   Many

c.   Much

d.  Both A and B

4. Pankaj has ……………………….. friends in Delhi.

a.  A few

b.   A little

c.   Much

d.  NOT

5. My teacher knows………………… Bengali and less Hindi.

a.  Little

b.   A little

c.   Much

d.  Both B and C

6. Narendra Modi has………………….. chance of being elected.

a.  Little

b.   A little

c.   Many

d.  A few

7. There are …………………… pens on the table.

a.  Some

b.   A few

c.   Many

d.  All of These

8. My father has bought two copies, and ……………… copy is colourful.

a.  Each

b.   Every

c.   Much

d.  NOT

9. There were trees on…………………………….. side of the road.

a.  Either

b.   Neither

c.   Every

d.  NOT

10. My boss does not want ………………….. coffee.

a.  Some

b.   Many

c.   Any

d.  NOT

11. My wife put …………………….. salt in egg curry.

a.  A little

b.   A few

c.   Both A and B

d.  Neither A nor B

12. Coffee is not good.

Good is a…………….

a. Quantitative adjective

b.   Numeral adjective

c.   Proper adjective

d.  Qualitative adjective

13. My father likes this house.

a.  Demonstrative adjective

b.   Demonstrative pronoun

c.   Relative adjective

d.  NOT

14.Which is your pen?

In the above sentence, your is a………………

a.  Proper adjective

b.   Demonstrative adjective

c.   Interrogative adjective

d.  Possessive adjective

15.A student broke this chair.

In the given sentence, this is a ……………………

a.  Demonstrative adjective

b.   Interrogative adjective

c.   Distributive adjective

d.  NOT

16. A staff wants some water.

In the given sentence, some is a ………………….

a.  Qualitative adjective

b.   Quantitative adjective

c.   Numeral adjective

d.  NOT

17.Riya danced at the party with ………………….. girls.

a.  Some

b.   Any

c.   Much

d.  A little

18.A few students have …………………… books but Diya hasn’t………………….

a.  Many, much

b.   Some, any

c.   Both B and C

d.  Neither A nor B

19.Has he faced…………………… trouble?

a.  Some

b.   Any

c.   Both A and B

d.  NOT

20.My dad is …………………. experienced in the teaching field.

a.  Many

b.   Several

c.   Much

d.  NOT

21.How ………………………… students are present in the class?

a.  Much

b.   A little

c.   Many

d.  Several

22.How …………………. Water is there in the bottle?

a.  Much

b.   A little

c.   Many

d.  NOT

23.Mukesh is with me for……………………. Days.

a.  A few

b.   Much

c.   A little

d.  NOT

24.My teacher has read ………………….. books.

a.  Several

b.   A few

c.   Both A and B

d.  NOT

25…………………….. men are mortal.

a.  All

b.   Much

c.   A little

d.  NOT

26.The ……………… country is suffering from poverty.

a.  All

b.   Whole

c.   Several

d.  NOT

27…………….. cow was black.

a.  Either

b.   All

c.   Several

d.  NOT

28………………….. of the two boys is intelligent.

a.  Neither

b.   Many

c.   Much

d.  A little

29……………………. robber was beaten.

a.  Either

b.   Many

c.   Several

d.  NOT

30…………………… women cricketers are talented.

a.  All

b.   Much

c.   Each

d.  NOT

Adjectives MCQ for Competitive Exams Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet

अंग्रेजी में कितने विशेषण हैं?

अंग्रेजी में कुल 9 प्रकार के विशेषण होते हैं।

1.Proper Adjective (वक्तिवाचक विशेषण)

2.Possesive adjective: संबंधवाचक विशेषण

3. Distributive Adjective (विभागसूचक विशेषण)

4.Demonstrative Adjective: (संकेतवाचक विशेषण)

5.Qualitative adjective: (गुणवाचक विशेषण)

6.Quantative adjective: (मात्रावाचक विशेषण)

7.Interrogative adjective:(प्रश्नवाचक  विशेषण)

8.Exclamatory adjective: (विष्मयादिबोधक विशेषण)

9.Numeral adjective: (संख्यावाचक विशेषण )

What is an adjective and example?

An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun or a pronoun.


Alia is looking Pretty.
The milk of a cow is white.
The product is very heavy.

In the first, sentence, Pretty, in the second white and third one has heavy used as an adjective. All these three words are qualifying Alia, the milk and the product respectively.

What are 20 examples of adjectives?

1. Good
2. bad
3. Dark
4. Fair
5. Handsome
6. Beautiful
7. Black
8. Naughty
9. Intelligent
10. Bright
11. Cool
12. Calm
14. Sharp
15. Ugly
16. Thin
17. Fat
18. Long
19. Short
20. Tall

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