In this article, We will get a detailed explanation of the Figure of Speech with Example, definitions, Types and usage in the poem.
Table of Contents
- A figure of Speech Definition and Examples
- Figure of Speech with Example
- The figure of speech in Hindi with Examples
- Different Types of Figure of Speech with Example
- Figure of Speech Simile
- Figure of Speech Examples of simile
- Figure of Speech Metaphor
- Figure of Speech Example of Metaphor
- Figure of Speech Alliteration
- Figure of Speech with Example Alliteration
- Figure of Speech Assonance
- Figure of Speech Video Lecture(Part II)
- Alliteration vs Assonance
- Alliteration vs Assonance examples
- Figure of Speech Personification
- Figure of Speech Examples Personification
- Figure of Speech Free verse
- Figure of Speech Examples Free verse
- Figure of Speech Monoryhme
- Figure of Speech Examples Monoryhme
- Figure of Speech Coupled Rhyme
- Coupled Rhyme Examples
- Alternate Rhyme Scheme Definition
- Alternate Rhyme Examples
- Synecdoche Literary Definition
- What is a synecdoche example?
- Irony Literary Definition
- Figure of Speech Examples Irony
- Imagery Literary Definition
- Imagery examples
- Figure of Speech Repetition
- Figure of Speech Examples Repetition
- Apostrophe Literary Device
- Apostrophe literary device examples
- Hyperbole Figure of Speech
- Hyperbole Figure of Speech Examples
- Oxymoron Figure of Speech
- Oxymoron Meaning and Examples
- Pun Definition
- Examples of Puns from Everyday Life
- Onomatopoeia Figure of Speech
- Onomatopoeia Examples Sentences
- Anaphora Figure of Speech
- Anaphora Figure of Speech Examples
- Figure of Speech FAQs
- What are the 5 main figures of speech?
- What is a figure of speech in grammar?
- Is imagery a figure of speech?
A figure of Speech Definition and Examples
A figure of Speech is also known as a literary device or literary term. It is widely used to enhance the beauty of the sentence. It keeps an everlasting impression on the sentence through exaggerated words. The figure of speech meaning in Hindi is अलंकार.
Figure of Speech with Example
My father is a tiger.
The young trees are sprinting.
My mother is as simple as a cow.
अलंकार वाक्य में कुछ इस प्रकार से काम करता है जैसे कि एक औरत अपनी सुंदरता को बढ़ाने के लिए मेकअप करती है यानी कि अलंकार किसी भी साधारण वाक्य को बहुत ही प्रभावशाली और सुंदर तरीके से कहने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है। किसी भी कविता में एक कवि विभिन्न प्रकार के अलंकार का प्रयोग कविता को और भी ज्यादा रुचिकर और आकर्षक बनाने के लिए करता है।
The figure of speech in Hindi with Examples
मेरी मम्मी गाय जैसी सीधी है।
क्लासरूम चिड़िया घर था।
पेड़ पीछे भाग रहा था।
Video Credit: English with Rani Mam Youtube Channel
Different Types of Figure of Speech with Example
Figure of Speech Simile
It is a figure of speech where two different living or non-living objects are compared using the words like and as. Hindi meaning of Similes is (उपमा).
इसमें दो भिन्न-भिन्न वस्तुओं की तुलना सामान्यतः Like और As के द्वारा की जाती है।
Figure of Speech Examples of simile
My love is like a red rose.
My father is always as busy as a bee.
His friend is as cunning as a fox.
The students chatted like money in class.
His servant works like a sloth.
Figure of Speech Metaphor
It is a figure of speech where two objectives are directly compared having the same qualities as another thing. Hindi meaning of metaphor is (रूपक)
इसमें दो भिन्न-भिन्न वस्तुओं की तुलना सामान्यतः direct रूप में बिना Like और As के प्रयोग केके द्वारा की जाती है।
Figure of Speech Example of Metaphor
The classroom was a zoo.
The snow is a white blanket.
Akshay Kumar is an early bird.
Time is money.
The world’s a stage.
simile vs metaphor
A simile makes an indirect comparison with the words ‘like’ and ‘as’ whereas metaphor compares things directly.
simile vs metaphor examples
My girlfriend looks like Ananya Pandey. (Simile)
Health is wealth. (Metaphor)
Figure of Speech Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant letters in a sequence of nearby words in the sentence. The hindi meaning of Alliteration is अनुप्रास.
Figure of Speech with Example Alliteration
Clary closed her cluttered clothes closet.
The white foam flew.
He held her hands.
She sells sea- fish.
Figure of Speech Assonance
Assonance is the repetition of the vowel letters in a sequence of nearby words in the sentence. The hindi meaning of assonance is स्वरसाम्य.
Figure of Speech Examples Assonance
The light of the fire is a sight.
Jayant asked Johnny to just trust him while cutting his hair.
Figure of Speech Video Lecture(Part II)
Video Credit: English with Rani Mam Youtube Channel
Alliteration vs Assonance
Alliteration repeats the same consonant letters while assonance repeats the same vowel letters.
Alliteration vs Assonance examples
The fair breeze blew. (Alliteration)
Go slow over the road. (Assonance)
Figure of Speech Personification
When a non-living object is given some human qualities it is known as personification. The hindi meaning of personification is मानवीयकरण.
(वैसे Figure of Speech जिसमे निर्जीव वस्तुओं या अमूर्त विचार को मानवीय गुणों के साथ ऐसा प्रदर्शित किया जाये कि उसमे जान हो , Personification कहलाते हैं।)
Figure of Speech Examples Personification
Angry clouds surrounded the island.
The light danced on the surface of the water.
The story jumped off the page.
The sun smiled down at us.
My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.
Figure of Speech Free verse
It is a figure of speech where no rhyme scheme or meter is followed. The hindi meaning of Free Verse is मुक्त छंद.
Figure of Speech Examples Free verse
Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday morning,
I saw my mother, beside me, dozing, open-mouthed, her face ashen
Like that of a corpse and realised with pain………………………………….
Figure of Speech Monoryhme
a passage, stanza or entire poem in which all lines have the same end rhyme is known as monorhyme.
Figure of Speech Examples Monoryhme
That constitutes the life we share
Slip from her beautiful and bare
Bright body as made half aware
Of my quick, surreptitious stare.
Figure of Speech Coupled Rhyme
A coupled rhyme two lines stanza following the rhyme scheme Pattern like AA BB CC.
Coupled Rhyme Examples
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Alternate Rhyme Scheme Definition
It is a literary device that follows the rhyme pattern of ABAB. The first and third, second and fourth rhyme schemes at the end are the same. Such a rhyme scheme is used for four lines stanza poem.
Alternate Rhyme Examples
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!—
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Synecdoche Literary Definition
A figure of speech Where a part of something represents the whole or the whole represents a part is called Synecdoche. The hindi meaning of synecdoche is (अंगांगिवाचन)
What is a synecdoche example?
India Defeated Pakistan in T-20 Match.
My uncle has many mouths to feed.
Irony Literary Definition
It is a figure of speech where there is a contrast between expectation and reality in a sense.The hindi meaning of Irony is (व्यंग्योक्ति).
Figure of Speech Examples Irony
figure of speech examples of irony
Wow! You are next to Newton.
Hey! You look like Ananya Pandey.
Imagery Literary Definition
Imagery is a figure of speech that appeals to all our five senses through figurative language. The hindi meaning of Imagery is अलंकृत भाषा.
Imagery examples
Young trees sprinting
Merry children spilling out of their homes
Figure of Speech Repetition
It is a figure of speech where words are repeated to bring out pleasant sounds or musical effects. The hindi meaning of repetition is (पुनरावृति)
Figure of Speech Examples Repetition
Far far
Twinkle twinkle
Apostrophe Literary Device
It is a figure of speech where dead, absent or non-human is addressed in such a way that they were present in the past. The hindi meaning of Apostrophe is सम्बोधन.
(Apostrophe का प्रयोग निर्जीव या अमूर्त विचार के सम्बोधन के लिए किया जाता है।)
Apostrophe literary device examples
“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”
“ O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won.”
“Death, be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so.”
Hyperbole Figure of Speech
It is a figure of speech that is mainly used to make something look and sound a lot better than it is. In other words, It is said to be a form of exaggeration.The hindi meaning of hypebole is (अतिशयोक्ति).
(Hyperbole में चीज़ो या फिर बातों को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर दिखाया या फिर बताया जाता है।)
Hyperbole Figure of Speech Examples
I am so hungry I could eat all the food here.
My friend said that he had a million things to do when he was sitting idly.
I have told you to stop a thousand times.
Oxymoron Figure of Speech
It is a figure of speech where two words or phrases are used together that have or seem to have opposite meanings. The hindi meaning of oxymoron is विरोधाभास.
(वैसे Figure of Speech जिमसे एक ही वस्तु के दो परस्पर विपरीत गुण एक साथ दिखाए जाते है उसे हम Oxymoron कहते हैं।)
Oxymoron Meaning and Examples
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Alia likes reading works of true fiction.
My niece demanded that he wanted the whole piece of the cake.
Pun Definition
It is a figure of speech that plays with the words to have multiple meanings. The words are arranged in such a way as to create a humorous or rhetorical effect. The pun is also known as paronomasia. The Hindi meaning of pun is (श्लेष).
Examples of Puns from Everyday Life
A boiled egg is hard to beat.
Fishes are the most educated animals because they live in schools.
A bicycle can never run because it is too tiring.
Leopards cannot hide in the jungle as they are always spotted.
Onomatopoeia Figure of Speech
It is a figure of speech that uses words to describe the sounds made by all living things including people, animals, birds and all inanimate objects.The hindi meaning of onomatopoeia is (ध्वन्यात्मक).
(ऐसे अलंकार जिसके शब्दों की ध्वनि से भाव या अर्थ निकलता है।)
Onomatopoeia Examples Sentences
I chatter chatter as I flow
to join the brimming river
Swords clanged and guns boomed
The snakes are hissing and birds are buzzing
Anaphora Figure of Speech
Anaphora is a device in which a phrase or word is repeated at the start of successive phrases, sentences, or clauses.
Anaphora Figure of Speech Examples
I came, I saw, I conquered.
“Be bold. Be brief. Be gone.”
“I wish I may; I wish I might.”
Figure of Speech FAQs
What are the 5 main figures of speech?
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. Alliteration
4. Assonance
5. Synecdoche
What is a figure of speech in grammar?
A figure of Speech is also known as a literary device or literary term. It is widely used to enhance the beauty of the sentence. It keeps an everlasting impression on the sentence through exaggerated words. The figure of speech meaning in Hindi is अलंकार.
Is imagery a figure of speech?
yes, Imagery is a figure of speech.
Imagery is a figure of speech that appeals to all our five senses through figurative language. The hindi meaning of Imagery is अलंकृत भाषा.
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