We will know deeply about Use of Introductory It and There with Examples
Use of It
We use it as a personal pronoun to develop the sense of ‘यह/वह’ in Hindi.
It is our picnic spot.
It is Mayank’s pet dog.
It is the balcony of our new apartment.
Note: It is used with non-living and animal both.
Note 2: This is mainly used for living objects only.
Note 3: In modern English, it is also used with non-living objects.
Introductory It
If a sentence talks about time, season, climate, day, month, and year. Its translation is done using It as the subject of the sentence. This ‘It’ is known as introductory it. Introductory ‘It’ has no meaning.
जब किसी sentence में समय , मौसम , ऋतु , दिन , महीना , वर्ष इत्यादि के विषय में बात किया गया हो तो उसे It लगाकर English में Translate किया जाता है। वास्तव में , इस It के meaning का प्रभाव translation पर नहीं पड़ता है। इसीलिए , इसे Introductory It कहा जाता है।
Note: This ‘It’ always takes a singular verb
Note 2: The subject of rain is always it
कल सर्दी थी
It was cold yesterday
आज सोमवार है
It is Monday today
सुबह का नौ बजा है
It is 9 o’clock in the morning
2005 का समय है।
It is 2005
Use of there
There is used to develop the sense of ‘वहां’ in Hindi.
Chetna has kept her all books there.
Yuvan has brought a glass of water from there.
Nisha has forgotten her laptop there.
Introductory there
अगर किसी वाक्य का अंत है/ हूँ / हैं / था /थी /थे से हो और वाक्य का subject ठीक है/ हूँ / हैं / था /थी /थे के पहले आए तो ऐसे sentence का English Translation there लगाकर बनाया जाता है। वास्तव में , इस there के meaning का प्रभाव translation पर नहीं पड़ता है। इसीलिए , इस there को introductory there कहा जाता है।
Note: This ‘there’ takes the verb as per the number of subjects.
एक राजा था
There was a king
उस मग में थोड़ी पानी थी।
There was a little water in that mug
उसके घर के पास एक नदी है।
There is a river near his house
उस दुकान में कई नयी किताबें हैं।
There are several new books in that shop
वहां दो पेड़ थे।
There were two trees there.
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