Gender is one of the very important topics of English Grammar. It tells us about a person and his or her sex. Let’s start our discussion on the topic of Gender and Its Types.
The noun which shows the male or female community is called Gender.
Male Class: Brother, father, ox, husband, etc.
Female Class: Sister, mother, cow, wife, etc.
Types of Gender
Masculine Gender: The noun which shows the male community is called Masculine Gender.
Examples: Boy, horse, Rajan, man, etc.
Feminine Gender: The noun which shows the female class is called Feminine Gender.
Examples: Girl, mare, Sita, woman, etc.
Common Gender: The noun that shows either male or female class but can’t be recognised by name is Common Gender.
Examples: Baby, teacher, doctor, police, neighbour, orphan etc.
Neuter Gender: The noun which is neither male nor female is called Neuter Gender.
Note: Non – living objects are kept in Neuter Gender.
Examples: Tree, book, shirt, pen, etc.
Masculine Feminine
- Author – Authoress
- Actor Actress
- Ambassador (राजदूत) Ambassadress (राजदूतीन)
- Brother Sister
- Bachelor (कुंवारा) Maid/Spinster (कुंवारी)
- Bull Cow
- Boar (सुअर) Sow(सुअरी)
- Bridegroom (दूल्हा) Bride(दुल्हन)
- Buck नर ख़रग़ोश) Deo (मादा खरगोश )
- Brother-in-law Sister-in-law
- Beggarman – Beggar – woman
- Bull-calf Cow-calf
- Bull elephant Cow – elephant
- Billy- goat (बकरा) Nanny goat (बकरी)
- Boatman(मल्लाह) Boat woman (मल्लाहिन)
- Cock Hen
- Conductor (परिचालक) Conductress (परिचालिका)
- Cock -sparrow Hen- sparrow
- Czar (रूस का सम्राट) Czarina (रूस की रानी)
- Chairman Chairperson
- Dog Bitch
- Drake Duck
- Drone Bee
- Diary- man Diary- maid
- Director Directress
- Enchanter Enchantress
- Emperor Empress
- Executor Executrix
- English – man English -woman
- Fox Ewe
- Gentleman Lady
- Gander (हंस ) Goose
- Giant (राक्षस) Giantess
- Grandfather Grandmother
- Governor Governess
- God Goddess
- Godfather Godmother
- Grand-father Grand-mother
- Founder Foundress
- Father-in-law Mother-in-law
- Heir Heiress
- Horse Mare
- Host (मेजबान) Hostess
- Hunter Huntress
- Hero Heroine
- He-goat She-goat
- He- cat She-cat
- He-bear She-bear
- He-buffalo She-buffalo
- He-camel She-camel
- He- kangaroo She-kangaroo
- He-mule She-mule
- He-hare She-hare
- He-squirrel She-squirrel
- He-rhinoceros She-rhinoceros
- He-panther She-panther
- He –ape She-ape
- He-mouse She-mouse
- He-Zebra She-zebra
- He-mole She-mole
- He-pony She-pony
- He-mongoose She-mongoose
- He-monkey She-monkey
- He-chimpanzee She-chimpanzee
- He-sheep She-sheep/Ewe
- He-rat She-rat
- He-hyena She-hyena
- He-hound She-hound
- He-jackal She-jackal.
- He-owl She-owl
- Inspector Inspectress
- Jew Jewess
- King Queen
- Lad Lass
- Lover Beloved
- Lord Lady
- Lion Lioness
- Land-lord Land-lady
- Man Woman
- Manager Manageress
- Mayor Mayoress
- Master Mistress
- Murderer Murdereress
- Milk-man Milk-maid
- Man-servant Maid-servant
- Maternal-uncle Maternal-aunt
- Maternal-grandfather Maternal-grand mother
- Mr Mrs
- Male Female
- Monk Nun
- Machine-man Machine-woman
- Nephew Niece
- Ox Cow
- Papa Mamma
- Patron Patroness
- Prince Princess
- Priest Priestess
- Prophet Prophetess
- Preceptor Preceptress
- Poet Poetess
- Pea-cock Pea-hen
- Ram Ewe
- Son Daughter
- Sir Madam
- Shepherd Shepherdess
- Steward Stewardess
- Songster Songstress
- Seamster Seamstress
- Sorcery Sorceress
- Statesman Stateswoman
- Salesman Sales girl
- Stag Hind
- Sultan Sultana
- Son-in-law Daughter – in -law
- Step-father Step-mother
- Tiger Tigeress
- Traitor Traitress
- Tutor Governess
Some Special Rules on Gender
1.यदि Compound Noun के पहले girl/woman/lady / female हो तो वह Compound Noun, Feminine Gender बन जाता है।
Woman -teacher
Woman – doctor
Woman – conductor
Note: Unmarried boy के लिए bachelor तथा unmarried girl के लिए Maid/ spinster का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Note 2: Man या woman जिन्होंने अपनी पहली university degree ले ली है उनके लिए हम bachelor प्रयोग करते है।
Bachelor in Physics
Bachelor in Economics.
Bachelor in Hindi
2.Collective Nouns: jury, committee, class, team, government, family, mob, council, army, crowd, crew etc से समूह का बोध होता है एवम इसे Neuter Gender की श्रेणी में रखा जाता है।
3.Noun की beauty, gratefulness, tenderness, gentleness को feminine gender के रूप में माना जाता है।
City, car, country, charity, the earth, fame, faith flattery, hope, humility, justice, jealousy, liberty, modesty, mercy, the moon, nature, nation, peace, pride, river, spring, ship, truth, train, virtue
The moon stretches her soothing light all around
Winter has her own charm and happiness.
The truth has her own deep-buried feet.
Lady word का प्रयोग social designation को दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है।
Lady Diana, Lady Macbeth etc.
4.किसी भी lady को direct addressing करते वक़्त madam शब्द का प्रयोग formal माना जाता है।
May I ask a question, madam?
Can you make it order, madam?
कुछ female empowering शब्द:
Saleswoman, cleaning woman, tea woman, camerawoman, girlfriend etc.
5.कुछ nouns के strength, firmness , energy को दिखाने के लिए Masculine Gender का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ocean, death, Love, the sun, summer, thunder, time, winter, wind, wine, war, etc.
The sun falls his bitter rays.
6.कुछ शब्द सामाजिक कारणों से Masculine Gender के रूप में ही use होते हैं।
Note: ‘Fisher-woman’ is referred to as that lady who is wife to a fisherman but ‘fish-wife is generally used for a lady carrying a fish basket on her head to sell the same door to door.
Somya is a fisher-woman.
Somya मछुवारे की पत्नि है।
Riya is a fish-wife.
रिया सर पर टोकरी रखकर घर घर मछली बेचने वाली स्त्री है।
Note: The poet and analyser are highly imaginative. They sometimes personify non-living objects. Hence, It is considered as either masculine or feminine gender.
The banyan tree has stretched his branches.
7. Every thing, some thing, any thing, nothing Neuter Gender होते हैं। इनके साथ subjective case के रूप में it , possessive case के रूप में its तथा reflexive pronoun के साथ itself का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Everything should be appreciated for its beauty.
8.Jury, committee, class, team, government Neuter Gender होते हैं। इनके साथ subjective case के रूप में it , possessive case के रूप में its तथा reflexive pronoun के साथ itself का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Note: Chairperson and spokesperson are considered as feminine gender.
The gender of the child, infant, and baby are unknown. Hence, it comes under the neuter gender.
Some nouns of Common Gender
Advocate, assistant, cousin, clerk, client, criminal, cyclist, dancer, dealer, doctor, engineer, friend, fool, guest, helper, leader, lawyer, lecturer, musician, mechanic, novelist, professor, politician, pupil, servant, secretary, singer, typist, teacher, worker, writer, etc.
I hope you all guys have enjoyed it a lot Gender and Its Types…..
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