The Portrait of a Lady MCQ (Class 11th English Core: Sci. Com. and Arts) I The Portrait of a Lady Online Test


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Flamingo Poetry Online Test

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Flamingo Poetry Online Test

#1. Where did the author spend his childhood?

#2. How did the grandmother pass her afternoon regularly?

#3. Why did grandmother not like city education?

#4. Why didn’t the grandmother like music?

#5. Grandmother was looking………………

#6. Where did grandmother go in the morning with the narrator?

#7. The writer went to……………………….school in city.

#8. When was their common link of friendship broken?

#9. The grandmother has been portrayed………..

#10. Why did grandmother go to school with narrator?

#11. The grandfather seems to be …….

#12. How many sparrows were at the time of grandmother’s death?

#13. How did the grandmother die?

#14. Grandmother used to play…………………

#15. What was the grandmother’s reaction when the author was going abroad?

#16. What was the grandmother’s reaction when the author moved abroad to study for five years?

#17. What was the reaction of sparrows after grandmother’s death?

#18. What did the author eat for breakfast?

#19. According to the grandmother the education should be

#20. What happened when the grandmother didn’t pray for the first time?

#21. How did the grandmother look?

#22. What did the grandmother do in her death hours?

#23. How did the grandfather in the portrait hung on the wall look like?

#24. Why did grandmother keep one hand on her waist?

#25. Which animal or bird did the grandmother use to feed in the village?

#26. Grandmother had been a …….

#27. The school master was …………………… of the village.

#28. What was grandmother’s reaction when the narrator came back after 5 years?

#29. The grandmother accompanied her family to see off and receive……….

#30. Who is the writer of the beautiful Chapter, the Portrait of a Lady?

#31. What would the grandmother do in the temple on a daily basis?

#32. Who is the main character of the chapter ‘The Portrait of a Lady?

#33. What was the happiest half-hour in a day for grandmother?

#34. Where did the author go to study in the city?

#35. Who did appear like the “ winter landscape in the mountains?”

#36. Where was the author’s grandfather’s portrait placed?

#37. Grandmother used to give the writer….

#38. How did the grandmother react to her illness?

#39. Which instrument did Grandmother play?

#40. Grandfather was wearing…..

#41. The grandmother always kept with her

#42. Why did the narrator’s father not take them to the city?

#43. Where did the parents of the author settle?

#44. The grandmother had been old for last

#45. What did Granmother used to give the narrator in the breakfast?

#46. The grandmother had been old for last

#47. How was grandmother portrayed in the chapter?

#48. How many sparrows did come on the Grandmother’s death ceremony?

#49. The school of village was situated beside…………

#50. The sweeper put the bread crumps into the……

#51. The look of grandmother was………….

#52. Grandfather’s portrait hung above the mantelpiece in the……………..

#53. What was happiest half hour in a day for grandmother?

#54. Grandmother breaks down when the narrator was going to ……

#55. What was the grandmother’s reaction when the narrator came back after 5 years?


In this article, we will read the MCQs The Portrait of a Lady MCQ by Khushwant Singh. The story highlights the value of love and attention that can be generally seen in the joint family.

1.The grandmother accompanied her family to see off and receive……….

a.Grand daughter

b.Grand son

c.Grand children              


2. The grandmother has been portrayed………..





3.Grandmother was looking………………

a. Young


c.Both a and b                   


4.Grandfather’s portrait hung above the mantelpiece in the……………..


b.Drawing room                         


d.Guest room

5. Grandmother breaks down when the narrator was going to ……

a.The temple

b.The office

c.The abroad         


6. Why did narrator’s father not take them to the city?

a)Because he hated them

b)His mother and father wanted to settle themselves first    

c)Because of the environment


The Portrait of a Lady MCQ Video Lecture (Part I)

7. Who is the writer of the beautiful Chapter, the Portrait of a Lady?

a. A.R Barton

b. A.R Williams                   

c. Nick Middleton

d. Khushwant Singh  

8. Where did the author spend his childhood?

a. In the village with his mother.

b. In the town with his mother.

c. In the village with grandparents.

d. NOT    

.9.Why did grandmother not like city education?

a.Because she had been a gentle lady

b.Because she was narrow minded woman

c.She was conservative and religious lady   


10.What was the reaction of sparrows after grandmother death?

a.Sat and chirped loudly

b.Sat quietly

c.Sat scattered on the floor and mourned


11. Who did appear like the “ winter landscape in the mountains?”

a)Narrator’s  mother

b)Narrator’s wife

c)Narrator’s father


12.The grandmother had been old for last

a.18 years

b.19 years

c.29 years

d.20 years 

13.Where did grandmother go in the morning with narrator?

a.For jogging

b.For praying

c.For school          

d.For temple

14. Why did grandmother go to school with narrator?

a.She cared to the narrator

b.Narrator was afraid of school

c.Temple was attached to the school    


15.What was happiest half hour in a day for grandmother?

a.Spinning wheels

b.Feeding sparrows                

c.Praying all the time


16. Who is the main character of the chapter ‘The Portrait of a Lady’?


b) Sister

c) Grandmother        


17.When was their common link of friendship broken?

a) when he went to college

b)When he went to the university, they were given separate rooms

c)when he started working        

d)When he went abroad

18.What was grandmother’s reaction when the author was going abroad?



c)not even sentimental           


19. What was grandmother’s  reaction when the narrator came back after 5 years?


b)clasped the author in her arms and said prayers

c) happy                    


20.How did the grandfather in the portrait hung on the wall look like?

a)Old, long white beard, worn big turban

b)Old, skinny, wrinkly

c)Young, Handsome, Well-Built       

d)Old, Well-Built

21. How was grandmother portrayed in the chapter?





22. Where was the author’s grandfather’s portrait placed?

a) On a shelf

b) Hung above the mantelpiece  

c)Put on the mantelpiece

d)On a table

23.The grandmother always kept with her.





24. What was the relation between grandmother and writer.


b.constant companion      



25. Where did the parents of the author settled?





26.What did the author eat for breakfast?

a)thick and stale chapatis with a little butter and sugar spread in it    Ans: A

b)thick bread with butter


d)rice and curd

27. Grandmother had been a ………

a. Religious and gentle                   

b. Religious and narrow minded

c. Arrogant and old traditional lady

d. NOT

28.According to the grandmother the education should be

a. Computer based

b. Religion based                       

c. Practical based

d. Theory based

29. What happened when the grandmother didn’t pray for the first time?

a)She fell ill the next day           

b)She made this her routine

c) She took a break and went to the village

d)None of the above

30. How did the grandmother react to her illness?

a) She was aware of her approaching death

b) She ignored her health

c)She took care of her                

d)She was admitted to the hospital

The Portrait of a Lady MCQ Video Lecture (Part II)

31. Which animal did the grandmother used to feed in the village?





32. How did the grandmother look?

a)Old, Fat, Long

b) Long, Fat, Slightly Bent

c) Old, Short, Slightly Bent, Fat     

d)Slightly Bent, Fat

33. What did the grandmother do in her death hours?

a)Talked to everyone in the house

b) worried about everyone

c)Silently praying and telling her beads

d)Went to temple             

34. How did the grandmother die?

a)during telling beads laying on the bed

b)In the hospital          

c) While sleeping

d)None of the above

35. How did the grandmother pass her afternoon regularly?

a)by feeding hundred of sparrows

b)by taking a nap                            

c)by talking to author’s mother

d)by going to temple

36. What was grandmother’s reaction when the author moved abroad to study for five years?

a)No one came to see him

b)Grandmother moved back to village

c)Parents moved with him

d)grandmother bid goodbye by silently kissing his forehead                

37.How many sparrows were at the time of grandmother’s death?





38.The writer went to……………………….school in city.

a.Hindi medium


c.English medium              


39. Why didn’t the grandmother like music?

a)She liked only religious prayers

b) She liked the traditional folk music

c) It was the monopoly of harlots and beggars and not meant for gentlefolk    

d) She thought it would distract him from studies

40. Where did the author go to study in the city?

a)nearby school on foot

b)English School by bus            

c) Hindi School


The Portrait of a Lady MCQ Video Lecture (Part III)

41.Grandmother used to give the writer….

a.Stale chapatti




42.Grandmother used to play…………………





43. What would the grandmother do in the temple on a daily basis?

a) Meditation

b)Read Scriptures            

c)Sing religious prayers

d)teach other kids religious prayers

44.Why did grandmother keep one hand on her waist?

a.To balance her stoops

b.To sit properly                   

c.To dance properly


45.The sweeper put the bread crumps into the……





The Portrait of a Lady Answer Sheet



The Portrait of a Lady Answer Sheet

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