In this article, we are going to discuss the most important 40 MCQs which have been selected from The Last Lesson prose. All questions are formatted in the latest pattern as announced by CBSE. Check out – The Last Lesson MCQ Lecture and The Last Lesson Summary Video Lecture
Table of Contents
- Results
- #1. Why did Franz hesitate to go to school ?
- #2. What kind of a teacher M. Hamel was?
- #3. The Last Lesson is set in the days of …
- #4. When people are enslaved, what key do they have to the prison, according to M. Hamel?
- #5. What did Franz find on reaching the school?
- #6. What does the expression “in great dread of scolding” mean?
- #7. Why did M. Hamel blame himself?
- #8. How was Franz’s feelings changed for M. Hamel?
- #9. Alphonse Daudet belonged form
- #10. Who was M. Hamel?
- #11. M. Hamel had been teaching for
- #12. Whom did M. Hamel blame for not sending children to school?
- #13. What is the message in the chapter, The Last Lesson?
- #14. Why was Franz feeling regretful and sad?
- #15. M. Hamel is introduced as a ruler-wielding teacher. This demonstrates that
- #16. Who was there on the back benches in the class?
- #17. What attitude of M. Hamel surprised Franz?
- #18. Where did the parents send their children?
- #19. Name the two districts of France captured by Prussia.
- #20. What was there in front of bulletin board?
- #21. Why did M. Hamel take the French language the most beautiful?
- #22. Why did M. Hamel Write Vive La France! ?
- #23. What kind of news used to come from the Bulletin Board?
- #24. Why was Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel?
- #25. Why was Franz surprised?
- #26. French language will be replaced from
- #27. What had been put up on the Bulletin Board that day
- #28. The Last Lesson” story was written in between which year?
- #29. What was Franz expected to be prepared for school that day?
- #30. What did Old Hauser bring?
- #31. 1. Who is the writer of the chapter, The Last Lesson?
- #32. What did M. Hamel wear on the last day on school?
- #33. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means ___
- #34. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from?
- #35. From where did the orders come to teach only German in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine?
- #36. Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?
- #37. What did Mr Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?
- #38. What did Franz notice that was unusual that day?
- #39. What do the marching soldiers under the windows represent?
- The Last Lesson MCQ Video Lecture
- The Last Lesson MCQ Questions with Answers
- The Last Lesson MCQ Answer Sheet
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#1. Why did Franz hesitate to go to school ?
#2. What kind of a teacher M. Hamel was?
#3. The Last Lesson is set in the days of …
#4. When people are enslaved, what key do they have to the prison, according to M. Hamel?
#5. What did Franz find on reaching the school?
#6. What does the expression “in great dread of scolding” mean?
#7. Why did M. Hamel blame himself?
#8. How was Franz’s feelings changed for M. Hamel?
#9. Alphonse Daudet belonged form
#10. Who was M. Hamel?
#11. M. Hamel had been teaching for
#12. Whom did M. Hamel blame for not sending children to school?
#13. What is the message in the chapter, The Last Lesson?
#14. Why was Franz feeling regretful and sad?
#15. M. Hamel is introduced as a ruler-wielding teacher. This demonstrates that
#16. Who was there on the back benches in the class?
#17. What attitude of M. Hamel surprised Franz?
#18. Where did the parents send their children?
#19. Name the two districts of France captured by Prussia.
#20. What was there in front of bulletin board?
#21. Why did M. Hamel take the French language the most beautiful?
#22. Why did M. Hamel Write Vive La France! ?
#23. What kind of news used to come from the Bulletin Board?
#24. Why was Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel?
#25. Why was Franz surprised?
#26. French language will be replaced from
#27. What had been put up on the Bulletin Board that day
#28. The Last Lesson” story was written in between which year?
#29. What was Franz expected to be prepared for school that day?
#30. What did Old Hauser bring?
#31. 1. Who is the writer of the chapter, The Last Lesson?
#32. What did M. Hamel wear on the last day on school?
#33. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means ___
#34. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from?
#35. From where did the orders come to teach only German in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine?
#36. Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?
#37. What did Mr Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?
#38. What did Franz notice that was unusual that day?
#39. What do the marching soldiers under the windows represent?
The Last Lesson MCQ Video Lecture
The Last Lesson MCQ Questions with Answers
1. Who is the writer of the chapter, The Last Lesson?
a)Anees Jung
b)Selma Lagerlof
c)Both a and b
d)Alphonse Daudet
2. The Last Lesson is set in the days of
a)World War 2
b)Indo- China War
c)Franco Prussian War
3. Name the two districts of France captured by Prussia.
a)Alsace and Lorraine
b)Afgan and Myanmar
4.Alphonse Daudet belonged form
b) the United States
5. What is the message in the chapter?
a)Fear of missing childhood
b)Importance of language
c)Value of love and understanding
d)Both b and c
6. Who was M.Hamel?
a)a leader
b) French language teacher
d)School Principal
7. Why was Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel?
a)Because he was early for the school
b)Because of his occasional dress
c)Because of the farewell
8. What attitude of M. Hamel surprised Franz?
a)soft and kind
b) rude
c) firm and strict
d) None of these
9. French language will be replaced from
10. What does the expression “in great dread of scolding” mean?
a)To be happy about it
b)Very badly scared of scolding
c) To be indifferent
d) None of these
11. What was there in front of the bulletin board?
a.Police station
c.A huge crowd
12. What kind of news used to come from the Bulletin Board?
a)Lost battles
b)The draft
c)Orders of commanding officers
d)All of these.
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13. The Last Lesson” story was written in between which year?
a)1869 – 1870
b)1870 – 1871
c) 1872- 1873
d) 1870 – 1872
14. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means…
a)Getting late
b)Very early
c)Early enough
d) Not early
15. From where did the orders come to teach only German in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine?
d) Germany
16. What did Mr Hamel bring for his class on his last day in school?
a)New pens
b)New notebooks
17. What do the marching soldiers under the windows represent?
a)The Dawn of Prussia in the defeat of French people
b)The defeat of Prussia
c)The victory of the French
d) NOT
18. Expression ‘Thunder Clap” in the lesson means
a)loud but not clear
b)loud and clear
c)startling and unexpected
19. Why did Franz hesitate to go to school?
a)Because he had not prepared his lessons
b)Because he wanted to enjoy warm weather
c)Because he was late
Get Summary and Questions – Answers of Chapter
20. What did Franz find on reaching the school?
a) Hamel was not there
b)School was closed
c)Police patrolling
d) Strange quietness
21. Why was Franz surprised?
a)Because of village elders
b)Because of police patrolling
c)because of students’ behaviour
d)because of M.Hamel’s kind and polite behaviour
22. Who was there on the backbenches in the class?
a)Weak students
c)Monitors of class
d)Village elders
23. Whom did M. Hamel blame for not sending children to school?
24. Why was Franz feeling regretful and sad?
a)For reaching late
b)For not learning participles
c)For a change of the Government
d)For not learning his mother tongue
25. How was Franz’s feelings changed for M. Hamel?
a.Because of his soft and kind behaviour
b.Because of his occasional dresses
c.Because of his farewell
26. What did Old Hauser bring?
c)Old primer
27. M. Hamel had been teaching for
a)35 years
b)40 years
c)Between 35 to 40 years
d)38 years
28. Where did the parents send their children?
c)Farms and mills
d) Movies
29. Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?
a)To get a refund
b)To know his pain
c)To show gratitude
d)To ask the reason for leaving
30. Why did M. Hamel take the French language the most beautiful?
a)Because he was a French language teacher
b)Because he was saying goodbye forever
c)Both a and b
d)Because it was the clearest and logical
31. What was Franz expected to be prepared for school that day?
a)Grammar rules
b)Sentence re- ordering
c)Voice and its types
32. When people are enslaved, what key do they have to the prison, according to M. Hamel?
a)Their behaviour
d)Mother tongue
33. What had been put up on the Bulletin Board that day?
a)Teach only French
b)Teach only Latin
c)Teach only German
34. What did Franz notice that was unusual that day?
a)Quietness in the school
b)Soldiers in the school
c)Crowd in the school
d) All of these
35. Why did Hamel blame himself?
a)Not having taught them enough French
b)Not being strict
c)Giving students a holiday at times
d) Not being responsible
36. M. Hamel is introduced as a ruler-wielding teacher. This demonstrates that:
a)He is concerned
b)He is adamant
c)He is a hard taskmaster
He is unfeeling
37. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from?
a.On the bulletin board near the town hall
b.On bulletin board of School
c.On T.V
d.All of these
38. What did M. Hamel wear on the last day of school?
a)Frilled shirt, Green shirt and three-cornered hat
b)Formal Suit
c)Frilled shirt, Green Coat and three-cornered hat
39. Why did M. Hamel Write Vive La France!?
a)To welcome the French people
b)To bless French People
c)To say good to French People
d)All above
40. What kind of a teacher M. Hamel was?
The Last Lesson MCQ Answer Sheet
1.D | 11.C | 21.D | 31.D |
2.C | 12.D | 22.D | 32.D |
3.A | 13.B | 23.A | 33.C |
4.D | 14.C | 24.D | 34.A |
5. B | 15.C | 25.A | 35.C |
6.B | 16.B | 26.C | 36.C |
7.B | 17.A | 27.B | 37.A |
8.A | 18.C | 28.C | 38.C |
9.C | 19A | 29.C | 39.B |
10.B | 20.D | 30.D | 40.C |