(NCERT) Going Places Class 12 Solutions, and MCQs | Going Places Summary

In this article, You will get Going Places Class 12 Solutions along with the theme, main points, summary and difficult words. The story, going places revolves around the story of a girl, Sophie who has no boundaries in her imagination and loses herself in the world of fantasy.

Going Places: About the Writer

A R Barton is a modern writer. He was born on 17 December 1913 in London, United Kingdom. He earned his degree from Britannia Royal Naval College. He lives in Zurich and writes in English. He generally raises the issues of adolescents.  He died on 4 April 1943, Llandow, United Kingdom.

Going Places Theme

The story is based upon the theme of adolescents fantasising and hero worship.  The writer wants to focus on those teenagers who are having different goals in their life.

Going Places Video Explanation

Video Credit: Simran Sahni Youtube Channel

Going Places Main Characters

1. Sophie- Sophie is a daydreaming girl without any sense of reality. She always lives in an imaginary world having different kinds of dreams like being an actress, manager, fashion designer and owning a boutique.

She weaves the imaginary story of meeting with Danny Casey, the great footballer of Ireland. At last, Sophie gets nothing except misery and pain.

2.Jansie – Jansie is a practical girl and classmate cum friend of Sophie. She has a close observation of reality in life. She always discourages Sophie from having unrealistic dreams which have no real existence. 

3. Geoff   (An elder brother of Sophie.)

4. Derek  (Younger brother of Sophie.)

5. Danny Casey  (A young Irish Footballer.)

6. Tom Finney (a great footballer)

7. United – Name of the Football team

8. Frank – Jansie’s brother

Main Points

  1. Sophie is a day-dreaming girl who has various dreams like being a manager, fashion designer, actress and owning a boutique.
  2. Jansie is the friend of Sophie who is a practical girl and always discourages Jansie from having such dreams.
  3. The two young girls are the most likely to get a job in a biscuit factory.
  4. Geoff, the brother of Sophie left school three years ago and worked as an apprentice mechanic.
  5. Sophie thinks that she had met with Danny Casey and shares the same with her brother, Geoff.
  6. She tells that they first met at Royce’s window where Casey stood by her. She further explains that Casey has green and gentle eyes and is a medium-height boy.
  7. Geoff shares the story with her father and Frank, the brother of Jansie.
  8. She wanted to take an autograph but had no pen or paper. She got a promise to meet next Saturday for an autograph.
  9. Every Saturday, the complete family visits the stadium to watch the match of United.
  10. On that particular day, United won the match by 2-0. Casey had attractively secured the last gaol.
  11. Sophie asks Jansie to keep the story secret because she doesn’t like to get popularity.
  12. Sophie sat under a tree waiting for Casey but he never came.
  13. She returns home thinking of Casey and her imaginary meeting.
  14. At last, Sophie gets nothing except misery and pain.

Going Places Class 12 Solutions

Think as You Read (NCERT Page no- 79)

1. Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school?

The two girls are most likely to get the job in a biscuit factory after school. Jansie knew it properly and completely prepared herself for the job whereas Sophie was a fighting-natured girl. She never wanted to accept the reality of life.

2. What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?

Sophie dreamt to be an actress, manager, fashion designer and owning a boutique. Jansie always discouraged her from having such dreams because she knew properly that such dreams would give nothing except misery and pain.

Think as You Read (NCERT Page no- 81)

1. Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met with Danny Casey?

Sophie wanted to keep the meeting secret because she knew very well that everybody would laugh and criticise her after knowing her story with Danny Casey. Sophie was a day dreaming girl and people were very familiar with her wild stories.   

2. Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Geoff does not believe completely in the story. He believes a little part of it when Sophie talks about her next meeting with Danny Casey. She further explains how Danny Casey stood by her in Royce’s window.  

3. Does her father believe her story?

No, her father does not believe the story a bit. When Geoff tells her father that she had met Danny Casey. He completely ignores it and takes it to be another wild story. He starts talking about the other great footballer of United.

4. How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in the fantasy of her future?

Geoff is the first person who was the closest to Sophie. She shares her meeting with him and explains everything in detail. She also says him that they both are going to meet him on coming Saturday.

5. Which country did Danny Casey play for?

Danny Casey played for Ireland. He was a good footballer.

Think as You Read (NCERT Page no- 85)

1. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?

Sophie did not want Jansie to know about her story with Danny because she both were classmates and knew much about each other. Sophie feared that She would spread the news to the whole neighbourhood as well as criticize her for a new wild story.

2. Did Sophie really meet  Danny Casey?

No, Sophie did not meet Danny Casey in reality. She weaved an imaginary story to fool the people around her. She was fascinated by him in her dream and imagined him coming. She also sat under a tree and waited for him. She had gone mad in his imagination.

3. Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny in person?

The only moment when she got to see Danny in person was the match of United when she along with her family members went to the stadium. Danny Casey also played that match and won by 2-0. Danny scored the last goal.

Understanding the Text

1. Sophie and Jansie were friends and classmates. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?

Sophie and Jansie were classmates and friends. Even, There were a lot of differences between both of them. Sophie had various dreams whereas Jansie had a certain dream. Jansie was a practical girl and she believed in the reality of life. Sophie was a day – dreaming girl and she was away from the reality of life.

2. How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?

Sophie’s father has middle-class behaviour and attitude and likes to live a simple and calm life. He is completely tired of the daily work. He doesn’t believe in the meeting of Danny Casey and considers it to be another wild story. He likes watching a football match and goes to watch the match every Saturday. He blesses Casey and predicts that he will play like Tom Finney one day.

3. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than anyone else? From her perspective, what did he symbolize?

Sophie liked her brother Geoff more than any other person because she understood her feelings and listened to her wild stories attentively. Geoff had dropped out the school 3 years ago and worked as an apprentice mechanic. She took him as brother cum a friend and always shared her heart first.

4. What socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status?

Sophie belongs to a lower-middle-class family but her financial status does not allow her to think more than working in a biscuit factory. The occupation of his father and her brother indicates the family’s financial status. Her brother has left school and worked as an apprentice mechanic. His father is working all day even after bad health. He has no good money to get good treatment.

Going Places MCQs Video Explanation

Video Credit: Simran Sahni Youtube Channel

Going Places: Summary

 The story, Going Places is written by a modern writer, A. R Barton. The story is based upon the theme of adolescents fantasising and hero worship.  The writer wants to focus on those teenagers who are having different goals in their life.

Sophie is the central character in this story. Sophie and Jansie are classmates and friends. They are likely to get a job in a  Biscuit factory after school. Jansie is a practical girl. She believes in the reality of life whereas Sophie is a daydreaming – girl. She has various dreams.

She shares a story with Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey, the Irish footballer. Geoff has left his job three years ago and works as an apprentice mechanic. She is very close to her brother and always shares her feelings first.

She tells that they first meet at Royce’s window where Casey stands by her. She further explains that Casey has green and gentle eyes and is a medium-height boy. She wanted to take an autograph but had no pen or paper.

She gets a promise to meet next Saturday for an autograph. Geoff recites the story to his father. Her father has gotten bored with wild stories of Sophie. This time, he does not care. Later, Jansie hears about the meeting from Frank.

Sophie never wants to let the secret out because she knows that nobody will believe her story with Casey.   But, Geoff leaks the meeting to everyone.  They go to the stadium to meet with Casey. This is the only moment when she meets Casey in person.  

On that particular day, United won the match by 2-0. Casey had attractively secured the last gaol. Danny Casey never comes to meet her because Sophie was an unknown girl to him. Sophie waits for her under a tree and drowns herself in his imagination.

She feels that Casey is coming to her. Finally, she is aware of the truth and returns to her home. At last, Sophie gets nothing except misery and pain. The story highlights the goal of teenagers which sometimes remain incomplete.

Going Places Difficult Words

Boutique (Female owned shop) छोटी दुकान

Earmarked (reserved) निर्धारित

Melancholy (sad) उदास

Sensible (understandable)  समझदार

Decent (Elegant) शानदार

Scooping (Talking big quantity) बड़ी मात्रा में सेवन

Shepherd pie (a special dish) एक मांसाहारी भोजन

Plump (Fat) मोटा

Grimy (Very dirty) बहुत गन्दा

Sweat (perspiration) पसीना

Stooped (Bent)  झुका

Incongruity (illogical) असंगति

Delicate (soft) नाज़ुक

Crooked (Twisted) मुड़ी हुई

Cluttered (Filled) भरा हुआ

Tinkering (making small repairs) छोटी मोटी मरम्त

Apprentice (Trainee) नौसिखिया

Exotic (unique)  आकर्षित

Cape (a type of cloth) लबादा

Frowning (angry) गुस्सा

Cradled (held in arms) हाथों में उठाया हुआ

Chastened (embarrassed) शर्मिंदा

Grunt (A short low sound) धम की आवाज़

Wriggle (roar) गुर्राना

Disdain (ignore ) नकारना

Grimaced (pout) मुँह बनाना

Muttered (whispered) बड़बड़ाना

Amber (Yellow) पीला

Prodigy (Wonder) आश्चर्य

Strings of girls (group of girls) लड़कियों का समूह

Pilgrimage  (Religious place) धार्मिक स्थल

Blend (Mixture) मिश्रित

Screaming (Crying) चिल्लाता हुआ

Ecstatic (Very delighted) अतिप्रसन्न

Inquisition (Interrogation) पूछताछ करना 

Nosey (Interrogate person) पूछताछ करने वाली

Glared (angry stare) क्रोध की दृष्टि

Gawky (awkward) बेकार

Sacred (holy) पवित्र

Chuffed (delighted) अति प्रसन्न

Hushed (low voice) धीमा आवाज़

Wharf (edge construction) किनारे बनी इमारत

Unceasing (repeatedly) लगातार

Drone (bored) उबाऊपन

Muffled (suppressed) दबा हुआ

Pangs (pains) कष्ट

Stirring (moving)  कुलबुलाना

Despondent (disappointed) निराश

Envisage  (Imagine) कल्पना करना

Crumbling (Breaking) टूटता हुआ

Propped (Supported) सहारा के लिए

Freckled (Spot on the face)  मुहासे

Shimmer (Gleam)  चमकना

Gazelle (an antelope) हिरन

Lumbering (Moving heavily)

Eruptions (burst) vishphot

Exultant (Ecstasy) बहुत खुश

Approbation (Admire) तारीफ

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